Sunday, October 16, 2011

League of Legends - Poppy


Hello everyone! Hope you're all doing great. I'm back and I'm going to write a bit about Poppy. She's a quick and very sneaky character with a huge amount of burst damage. I honestly didn't like her when I first bought her but I started playing her a few weeks ago and OMG she's strong if used right. So lets hope all i explain gives you some insight on how good you can be with her.


These masteries focus mostly on AD (Attack Damage). I put 21 points into offense giving you lots of constant physical damage. As for the 9 points into utility focus on Hp regen, improved Ghost, less time spent dead, and to have golum buffs a bit longer. It will make Poppy stronger if you have blue buff for CDR (Cool down Reduction) to help you use your hammer more often.


This Rune setup focuses mostly on Armor penetration to damage your opponent by ignoring more of there armor. Attack speed to hit faster at the start which helps you kill minions better and Health Regen / 5 which helps keep you gaining constant health since you will enter fights and need to run away at times. This is my setup and the way I find getting the most out of your Runes. Of course many may have different setups but this is what works for me :)

Summoner Spells

My preferred spells on Poppy are Flash and Ghost or Ghost and Promote for Dominion. You should always have ghost to catch up to your adversary or to position yourself for a knock back against a wall. Promote in Dominion will help you push a lane faster because that extra bit of help on a lane can determine a team fight.

Valiant Fighter 1)Devastating Blow 2) Pragon of Demacia 3) Heroic Charge 4) Diplomatic Immunity

(Passive) Valiant Fighter - Any damage dealth to Poppy that exceeds 10% of her current health is reduced by 50%. This does not reduce damage from structures.

1) Devastating Blow - Poppy crushes her opponent, dealing attack daamge plus a flat amount and 8% of her target's max health as bonus damage. The bonus damage cannot exceed a threshold based on rank.

2) Paragon of Demacia - has 2 different abilities. A passive and an active ability.

Passive: Upon being hit or attack an enemy, Poppy's armor and damage are increased for 5 seconds. This effects stacks up 10 times.
Active: Poppy gains max stacks of Paragon of Demacia and her movement speed is increased for 5 seconds.

3) Heroic Charge - Poppy charges at an enemy and carries them further. The initial impact deals a small amount of damage, and if they collide with terrain, her target will take a high amount of damage and be stunned. This will become extremely usefull if used right. Make sure to always aim for a wall so they get stunned and basically take double damage.

4) Diplomatic Immunity - Poppy focuses intently on a single enemy champion, dealing increased damage to them. Poppy is immune to any damage and abilities from enemies other that her target. Using this to initiate a fight can become extremely deadly for the opposite team. As long as you ult a target before they all start to damage you with everything they have you will win team fights.

Ability Sequence

First activate Paragon of Demecia to become stronger and gain speed to position yourself. Second watch your target and bash your opponent toward a wall fallowed by your Devastating Blow. If you charge in and you are surrounded by there team make sure to activate your Diplomatic Immunity on your target so nobody else damages you while you kill your opponent.


I hope the information provided helped. I will post any other information that you may need. If you manage to complete this setup of items by the end of the game you will have no issues killing there whole team. Enjoy! :)

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