Hello everyone, this will be my first blog and i have decided to start out with Leblanc. Some of you may know me as XxCautionxX in league of legends. Hopefully my blogs will make you become a stronger and better player. So lets cut to the chase. Although many do not know how to play Leblanc I'm going to give you tips and tricks on how to better yourself with her. I will explain a simple rotation and how to escape fights effectively. But before i do that, let me give an explanation of my masteries, runes, summoner spells, and explain Leblancs Spells.
I consider Leblanc one of my favorite and most used characters because of her burst damage. You basically enter a battle determined to kill someone if your in range. I get an adrenaline rush just by playing her in matches.
First, lets start out with your masteries. I put 9 into Offense for CDR(cool-down reduction) and 15% Magic Pen which is Archaic Knowledge. This particular build focuses on CDR . As you may know CDR is the bread and butter of Leblanc in my opinion. You can go for Magic Pen boots but you will only be able to kill 1 person in a fight then have to wait a good 10seconds before you can accomplish another kill. I also put 21 into offense which focuses on move speed, improved flash, mana regen, and CDR on summoner spells. Its very important to use your spells wisely when engaging any type of fight. I will get into that more in a bit.
This rune setup focuses mostly on AP (Ability Power). As you can see i put AP per level runes which will help you become stronger as your levels increase making you stronger each level. The 8.5 MP (Magic Pen) will help you at the beginning but you will need to get more later on to hit with bigger burst damage. Many other players have there own way of setting up these runes but i found this the most effective way for me.
Summoner Spells
My preferred spells are Flash and Clarity. I pick flash because it gives me the security of getting out of a fight. As for clarity, it helps by not having to get mana regen runes, mana pots, and mana items at the start. You're basically saving lots by getting clarity although endgame it may not be useful but at the start of the game its very important.
Leblanc Spells
Mirror Image , 1)Sigil Of Silence , 2)Distortion , 3)Ethereal Chains , 4)Mimic
Mirror Image is Leblanc passive. When your below 40% health, she instantly becomes stealth for half a second and creates a mirror image of herself to confuse her enemy and escape a burst damage attack which would otherwise kill her.
Sigil Of Silence is her first ability. It is her main damage source. When using this ability on an enemy it will leave a magic damage mark on the target for 3.5 seconds. If the target takes damage while the mark is on it will trigger, dealing damage and silencing the target. Now if you use this spell wisely against a caster you can cause a lot of confusion since they are silenced and rearrange you're rotation to escape or do more damage.
Distortion is her Second damage ability which does 3 different things. First, it can teleport you to a location and deal damage to the target and "Silencing" the target if it hits. Second, when you teleport to a location you can also click the spell again to move back to you're first location which helps to loose enemies in times of distress. And third, It can be used to escape fights which you know you won't win.
Ethereal Chains is her third ability. This spell will fling an illusionary chain toward a target location. If it hits the enemy it will deal initial damage and slow them by 25%. If the target remains in range it will root them in place for 2 seconds and they will be delt a 2nd amount of damage as well.
Mimic is Leblancs Ultimate ability. What this spell does is cast a more potent version of her previous spell. In other words it lets you cast any of her abilities a second time but with more damage.
Ability Sequence
Lets say I'm in a bush hiding and I'm level 6. A target is coming toward the bush where I'am. I see him and the first thing you should cast if he's coming straight to you is your Ethereal Chains fallowed by Sigil of Silence and Mimic. Leave distortion for last encase you need to escape or encase you need that little extra boost of damage.
If fighting in mid lane or you're charging toward a target the best thing to do is wear your target down if he has full health by using Ethereal Chains, Sigil of Silence, Mimic, then Ethereal Chains to return to your location. Sometimes its not wise to rush to a kill. Patience is a virtue so they say :)
If you see your target has a quarter of his health left, then keep your distance and wait for spells to come back (this is where having CDR is important).
Some players believe more damage is better because a full rotation of your spells will kill almost any target. This is true is some cases but i prefer survival. It all depends on the champions in the opposite team.
I believe you shouldn't remain in a lane after level 6 with Leblanc. She should be roaming around looking for kills and pushing lanes after a kill to turn the tides of a game. The reason why roaming around is important is because you can blink into a fight and burst large amounts of damage in seconds. With Ethereal Chains you can help melee allies catch there targets as well. I believe its all about waiting for the right time to strike so don't rush into a fight and not have an escape route.
1) Ionian Boots of Lucidity (1050)
2) Morello's Evil Tome (2350)
3) Rabadon's Deathcap (2740)
4) Rod of Ages (3035)
5) Archangel's Staff (2855)
6) Void Staff (2295)
These items will give you a high potency of damage mixed with cap CDR. Each match you play will make you consider buying different items to improve the tide of battle. We will talk more about that during the week. I'm hoping to get comments on what items you feel are better to get and why. I hope all i provided was helpful and if you feel that i should add anything more in particular please let me know and i will work on it right away. I'm here to provide information and my wisdom to help you :)
To give you an idea of the items and how good you will do. Only thing i changed is "The Will of The Ancients" since i needed some spell vamp to live a bit longer. I finished that match with 6k gold as well. Hope this helps. Enjoy! :)